
Joaquim Fernando Moreira da Silva

Membro Integrado

1987: Licenciado em Eng. Zootécnica pela Universidade dos Açores – Departamento de Ciências Agrárias – 9700 ANGRA DO HEROÍSMO com média final de 14,3 valores. 1988 – 1990: Assistente Estagiário na Disciplina de Reprodução e Inseminação Artificial na Universidade dos Açores – Departamento de Ciências Agrárias – Angra do Heroísmo. 1990: Provas de Aptidão Pedagógica e Capacidade Científica na Universidade dos Açores – Departamento de Ciências Agrárias – 9700 ANGRA DO HEROÍSMO com classificação final de Muito Bom. 1990 – 1997: Assistente na Disciplina de Reprodução e Inseminação Artificial na Universidade dos Açores – Departamento de Ciências Agrárias – Angra do Heroísmo. 1997: Provas de Doutoramento na Universidade de Gent – Faculdade de Agronomia – Bélgica com a classificação final de "A Mais Alta Distinção". 1997: Nomeado Professor Auxiliar na Universidade dos Açores – Departamento de Ciências Agrárias – Angra do Heroísmo. 2002: Nomeação definitiva na Universidade dos Açores como Professor Auxiliar. 2002 - 2006: Director do Mestrado de Produção Animal na Universidade dos Açores. Desde 2006: Director do Mestrado de Eng. Zootécnica da Universidade dos Açores. 2008: Agregação pela Universidade dos Açores, com a classificação de Aprovado. Desde 2008: Professor Auxiliar com Agregação na Universidade dos Açores. Desde 1997 é Coordenador Departamental de Erasmus+.


Research Interests

Fatores que influenciam a reprodução em animais de interesse zootécnico.

Teaching efforts

Atualmente é responsável pelas seguintes disciplinas: Licenciatura em Ciências Agrárias: Anatomia Fisiologia e Reprodução Animal Licenciatura em Ciências Farmacêuticas: Fisiologia Humana Imunologia Preparatórios de Medicina Veterinária: Fisiologia II Mestrado em Engenharia Zootécnica: Reprodução Seminário Em todos estes cursos tem sempre em conta que as aulas praticas sejam uma importante componente na lecionação, por forma que os alunos fiquem bem preparados em todos os aspetos da Unidade curricular.

Publicações Selecionadas

Faria, N., Pacheco Lima, J.P., Silva, M.H. and Moreira Silva, J.F. 2023. Fixed-time artificial insemination in the bovine “Lydia Brava dos Açores” using frozen semen. Agronomy Research 21(3), 1107–1118.


Faria, N., Pacheco-Lima, J., Moreira da Silva, M.H., Borba, A., and Moreira da Silva, J.F. 2023. Effects of cortisol levels on reproductive success in cattle of different temperaments during fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI). Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology, 12(1), 2024002.


Naspinska, R., Moreira da Silva, M.H. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2023. Current advances in bovine in vitro maturation and embryo production

using different antioxidants: a review. MDPI JDB. J. Dev. Biol. 2023, 11(3), 36;


Nunes, H.P.B., Borba, A.E.S. and Moreira da Silva, J.F. 2022. Impacts of trace element supplementation on productive/reproductive postpartum performances of grazing dairy heifers from volcanic soils. Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology 10(4):2236.


Da Costa Silva, R.J., da Silva M.H.M., Valadão, L. and da Silva F.M. 2021. Effect of Antioxidants on Pig Semen Cryopreservation to Preserve Sperm Fertility after Thawing. Ann Agric Crop Sci.; 6(5): 1090-1097.


Pacheco-Lima, J., Faria, N., Silva, H., Valadão, L. and Moreira da Silva J.F. 2021. Bull and cow-level prevalence of paratuberculosis in Lidia’s cattle breed from the Azores. Anim Husb Dairy Vet Sci. 5: 1-5.

doi: 10.15761/AHDVS.1000188


Silva, M.H.M., Valadão, L. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2020. Effect of the tensioactive agent SDS on extender’s boar semen viability after thawing. American Journal of Applied Sciences 2021, Volume 18: 9.14

DOI: 10.3844/ajassp.2021.9.14


Kajabová, S., Silva, H., Valadão L. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2020. Artificial insemination and cryopreservation of boar semen: current state and problematics. Open Science Journal. Open Science Journal 5(2).


Valadão, L., Silva, H., Kajabova, S. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2020. In vitro production of porcine embryos: A descriptive approach, limitations and applications. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 26(2): 19876-19881.


Pavani, K.C., Rocha, A., Oliveira, E., Moreira da Silva, F. and Sousa, M. 2020. Novel ultrastructural findings in bovine oocytes matured in vitro. Theriogenology, 143: 88-97.


Pappa, A.Z., Moreira da Silva, H., Valadão, L. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2019. Effect of Fructose on Thawed Bull Semen's Viability Obtained by Post-Mortem Collection. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 19(3): 14319-14323.


Pacheco Lima, J.P.R., Moreira da Silva, H. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2019. Evaluation of the Cryopreservation and fecundating capacity of Bullfighting Bull Semen Obtained by Post-Mortem Collection. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 12(10): 28-33.


Pacheco-Lima, J., Silva, H., Campillo Beneitez, J.P., Fernandes da Silva, D. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2019. Effect of Vaccination Against Ibr/Bvd on The Reproductive Performances of Brava Dos Açores -A Bovine Lidia Breed. American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research, 6(4): 266-272.


Pacheco-Lima, J. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2019. Reproductive characterization of the bovine Lidia called “Brava dos Açores”. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 15(1): 11014-11019.


Correia, P.B.C., Baron, E.E., Pavani, K., Pacheco-Lima, J., Lopes S., Nunes, H., Lourenço, J., Furnas, S. and da Silva, J.F.M. 2018. Morphometric characterization of Lidia cow (Bos taurus) reproductive apparatus. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. 16(3): 1-4.


Mahdy, A.K.H., Moreira da Silva, M.H. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2018.   Effect of cortisol on bovine oocytes maturation and further embryonic development after in vitro fertilization. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 10(4): 8029-8034.


Seddiki, Y., Moreira da Silva, H. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2017. Antioxidant Properties of Polyphenols and Their Potential Use in Improvement of Male Fertility: A Review. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research,1(3): 612-616.


Correia, P.B.C., Baron, E.E., Moreira da Silva, J.F. and Cortés Gardyn, Ó. 2017. Mitochondrial and Y chromosome genetic diversity in the Portuguese Lidia bovine breed. Brasilian Journal of Animal Science, 46(2): 99-104.


Nunes, H.P., Faheem, M., Dinis, M., Borba, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2017. Progesterone levels under feeding bovine with Pittosporum undulatum in vivo and their embryo production in vitro. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 52(3): 84.


Teixeira, S.M.P., Chaveiro, A.E.N. and Moreira da Silva, J.F. 2017. Effect of trans-10, cis-12 isomer of conjugated linoleic acid on boar semen quality after cryopreservation. Animal Reproduction, 14(2): 400-405.


Nunes, H.P., Furnas, S., Dinis, M., Borba, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2017. Effects of chlorogenic acid on the maturation and fertilisation of bovine oocytes and their embryonic development with a comparative bovine granulosa cell co-culture. Animal Reproduction, 14: 1057-1061.


Nunes, H.P., Faheem, M.S., Dinis, M., Borba, A.E.S. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2017. Effect of feed with Pittosporum undulatum in vivo on bovine progesterone levels and embryos produced in vitro. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 97: 14-18.


Pavani, K.C., Rocha, A., Baron, E., Lourenço, J. Faheem, M. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2017. The effect of kinetic heat shock on bovine oocyte maturation and subsequent gene expression of targeted genes. Zygote, 25(3): 383-389.


Faheem, M., Franco, J., Chaveiro, A. and M. da Silva, F. 2016. Stallion sperm cryopreservation: effect of alpha-tocopherol on the quality and heterologous in vitro fertilization capacity under different freezing rate. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 51: 90-91.


Pavani, K., Baron, E., Correia, P., Lourenço, J., Bettencourt, B., Sousa, M. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2016. Gene expression, oocyte nuclear maturation and developmental competence of bovine oocytes and embryos produced after in vivo and in vitro heat shock. Zygote, 24(5): 748-59.


Vasconcelos Franco, J.S., Faheem, M., Chaveiro, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2016. Effect of alpha-topherol and freezing rates on the quality and heterologous in vitro fertilization capacity of stallion sperm after cryopreservation. Theriogenology, 86 (4): 957-962.


Correia, P., Baron, E. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2015. Carateres de seleção do Toiro de Lide para a tourada à corda dos Açores. Archivos de Zootecnia, 64: 245.


Matusse, N., Gamboa, A., Ribeiro, L., Candeias Mendes, A., Moreira da Silva, F. and Soares, F. 2015. Efeito da suplementação de lipídeos na dieta de reprodutores de linguado, Solea senegalensis, na quantidade e qualidade das posturas. Boletim do Instituto de Pesca, 41(2): 397-407.


Pavani, K., Carvalhais, I., Faheem, M., Chaveiro, A., Vieira Reis, F. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2015. Reproductive Performance of Holstein Dairy Cows Grazing in Dry-summer Subtropical Climatic Conditions: Effect of Heat Stress and Heat Shock on Meiotic Competence and In vitro Fertilization. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Science, 28(3): 334-342.


Chaveiro, A., Cerqueira, C., Silva, J., Franco, J. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2015. Evaluation of frozen thawed cauda epididymal sperms and in vitro fertilizing potential of bovine sperm collected from the cauda epididymal. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research, 16(2): 188-193.


Teixeira, S.M.P., Chaveiro, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2015. The effects of three extenders on refrigerated boar semen. South African Journal of Animal Sciences, 45(1): 82-88.


Pavani, K.C., Baron, E.E., Faheem, M., Chaveiro, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2015. Optimisation of the total RNA extraction from bovine oocytes and embryos for gene expression studies and effects of cryoprotectants on the total RNA extraction. Cytology and Genetics, 49(4): 232-239.


Faheem, M., Baron E., Carvalhais I., Chaveiro A., Pavani K. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2015. The effect of vitrification of immature bovine oocytes to the subsequent in vitro development and gene expression. Zygote, 23(6): 933-942.


Teixeira, S.M.P., Chaveiro, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2015. Effect of conjugated linoleic acid on boar semen quality after long-term refrigeration at 17 ºC. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 50(4): 604-610.


Vasconcelos Franco, J., Chaveiro, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2014. Effect of freezing rates and supplementation of alpha-tocopherol in the freezing extender in equine sperm cryosurvival. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 34(8): 992-997.


Nunes, H., Falé, P., Duarte, M.F., Serralheiro, M.L.M.O.M., Borba A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2014. Pittosporum Undulatum and Hedychium Gardnerianum Nutritive Value and Secondary Metabolites on Cattle Reproductive Performances. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology, 22(2): 1-9.


Habibi, A., Farrokhi, N., Moreira da Silva, J.F. and Hosseini, A. 2014. Transcript analysis of heat shock protein 72 in vitrified 2-cell mouse embryos and subsequent in vitro development. Cell Journal, 2014; 15(4): 340-347.


Morteza Dibaji, S., Seidavi, A., Asadpour, L. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2014. Effect of a synbiotic on the intestinal microflora of chickens. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 23(1): 1–6.


Habibi, A., Farrokhi, N., Moreira da Silva, F., Hosseini, A., Bettencourt, B.F. and Amidi, F. 2014. Transcript analysis of Heat shock protein 72 and protein 53 of 4-cell mouse embryos following Cryotop vitrification. Czech Journal of Animal Science 58(5): 217-226.


Correia, P., Baron, E., da Silva, J.M. and Cortés, O. 2014. Genetic relationships of the Portuguese Lidia bovine populations. Iran Journal of Veterinary Research, 15(4): 364–369.


Franco, J., Chaveiro, A., Gois, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2013. Effects of alpha-topherol and ascorbic acid on equine semen quality after cryopreservation. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 33(10): 787-793.


Faheem, M., Carvalhais, I., Baron, E. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2013. Effect of bovine ovarian tissue vitrification of the structural of antral follicules. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 48(5): 774-80.


Franco, J.V., Gois, A., Baron, E., Chaveiro, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2012. Effect of antioxidants supplementation in equine semen extenders on semen acrosomal integrity and mitochondrial membrane potencial after cryopreservation. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 47(4): 587-587.


Cerqueira, C., Chaveiro, A., Silva, J., Franco, J.V. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2012. Evaluation of in vitro fertilizing capacity of cryopreserved bull epididymal semen. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 47(4): 443-443.


Sieuve de Menezes, S., Chaveiro, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2011. Effect of climatic conditions on reproductive performance of grazing heifers and lactating cows in the Azores, a warm temperate region. Theriogenology Insight, 1(2): 89-97.


Chaveiro, A., Andrade, M., Borba, A.E.S and Moreira da Silva, F. 2011. Association between Plasma and Milk Urea on the Insemination Day and Pregnancy Rate in Early Lactation Dairy Cows. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Advances, 1(1): 9-14.


Faheem, M.S., Carvalhais, I., Chaveiro, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2011. In vitro oocyte fertilization and subsequent embryonic development after cryopreservation of bovine ovarian tissue, using an effective approach for oocyte collection. Animal Reproduction Science, 125 (1-4): 49-55.


Faria, N., Chaveiro, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2011. Heterologous In Vitro Fertilization using bovine oocytes and stallion fresh and frozen semen. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 46(3): 103.


Carvalhais, I., Pereira, R., Faheem, M., Chaveiro, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2011. Effect of different concentrations of trans-10 cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid (10t, 12c CLA) in maturation of in vitro Bovine Oocytes. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 46(3): 93.


Nunes, H., Chaveiro, A., Sieuve de Menezes, S. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2011. Effect of oligoelements in the reproductive postpartum performances of Holstein-Friesian heifers. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 46(3): 135.


Habibi, A., Hosseini, A., Farrokhi, N., Amidi, F., Carvalhais, I., Chaveiro, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2010. Successful vitrification of mouse oocytes with different cryoprotectants concentrations, by cryotop method. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 91(3): 385-388.


Faheem, M., Carvalhais, I., Chaveiro, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2011. Cryopreservation of bovine ovarian tissue and subsequent in vitro embryonic development, using an effective approach for oocyte collection. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 46(3): 102.


Huang, B., Li, T., Wang, X.L., Xie, T.S., Lu, Y.Q., da Silva, F.M. and Shi, D.S. 2010. Generation and characterization of embryonic stem-like cell lines derived from in vitro fertilization Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) embryos. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 45(1): 122-128.


Huang, B., Cu,i K., Xie, T., Li, T., Moreira da Silva, F. and Shi, D. 2010. Generation of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) transgenic chimeric and nuclear transfer embryos using embryonic germ like cells transfected with green fluorescent protein gene. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 45(1): 103-108.


Marques, A., Santos, P., Antunes, G., Chaveiro, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2010. Effect of alpha tocopherol on bovine in vitro fertilization. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 45(1): 81-5.


Antunes, G., Chaveiro, A., Marques, A., Santos, P., Jin, H.S. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2010. Influence of apoptosis on bovine embryo’s development. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 45 (1): 26-32.


Habibi, A., Hosseini, A., Farrokhi, N., Amidi, F., Armas, J., Bettencourt, B.F. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2010. The effects of vitrification on gene expression of mouse mature oocyte by nested quantitative PCR. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 27(11): 599-604.


Moreira da Silva, F., Marques, A. and Chaveiro, A. 2010. Reactive Oxygen Species: A double-edged sword in reproduction. The Open Veterinary Science Journal, 4: 126-132.


Chaveiro, A., Santos, P., Carvalhais, I., Agricola, R., Faheem, M., Habibi A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2010. Sire effect and sperm apoptosis on bovine embryonic cleavage and subsequent in vitro embryo development. SRX Veterinary Science, 2010: 1-7.


Chaveiro, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2010. In vitro effect of the reproductive hormones on the oxidative burst activity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes from cows: a flow cytometric study. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 45(5): 40-45.


Geraldo, A.C.A.P.M., Souto, L.R. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2010. Effects of climatic heat stress and embryo mortality of grazing cattle in the Azores. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 22(1): 228.


Carvalhais, I., Faheem, M., Habibi, A., Geraldo, A.C.A.P.M., Agrícola, R., Chaveiro, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2009. Effects of bovine oocyte quality on kinetics of nuclear maturation and embryonic development and embryonic development after in vitro fertilization. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 22(1): 322–323.


Chaveiro, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2009. Effect of oestrous cycle on the oxidative burst activity of blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes in cows. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 44(6): 900-906.


Santos, P., Marques, A. Antunes, G., Chaveiro, A., Andrade, M., Borba, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2009. Effects of plasma urea nitrogen levels on the bovine oocyte ability to develop after in vitro fertilization. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 44(5): 783-787.


Agrícola, R., Chaveiro, A., Robalo Silva, J., Horta, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2008. Seasonal changes in semen quality and freezability in Lusitano stallions: A flow cytometric study. Animal Reproduction Science, 107(3-4): 302-303.


Marques, A., Antunes, G., Santos, P., Chaveiro, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2008. Effect of alpha tocopherol on in vitro maturation of bovine cumulus oocyte complexes. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 88(3): 463-467.


Santos, P., Chaveiro, A., Simões, N. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2008. Bovine Oocyte Quality in Relation to Ultrastructural Characteristics of Zona Pellucida, Polyspermic Penetration and Developmental Competence. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 43(6): 685-689.


Chaveiro, A., Santos, P. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2007. Assessment of sperm apoptosis in cryopreserved bull semen after swim-up treatment: A flow cytometric study. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 42(1): 17–21.


Marques, A., Antunes, G., Santos, P., Chaveiro, A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2007. Effect of α-tocopherol on in vitro culture of bovine embryos. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 87(4): 539–542.


Reis, A., Metelo, R., Santos, P. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2006. Ovarian structure and bovine’s age on amount and quality of oocytes and embryo’s produced in vitro. Brazilian Journal Veterinary Research Animal Science, 43(5): 629-636.


Moreira da Silva, F. and Metelo, R. 2005. Relation between Physical Properties of the Zona Pellucida and Viability of Bovine Embryos after Slow-freezing and Vitrification. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 40 (3): 205–209.


Costa, P.A. and Moreira da Silva, F. 2004. Segurança sanitária em transferência de embriões – revisão bibliográfica. Revista Brasileira de Reprodução Animal, 29(5): 7-12.